Monday 14 March 2016

Headline: AMD Dietary Supplements and Other Preventive Measures of AMD

Age related macular degeneration is a debilitating disease that affects a large chunk of the world population. It is particularly notorious because there are no identifiable symptoms as such and you only realize later on that you are affected by the disease but by then it is already too late. However there are a certain amount of steps that one can take to prevent the onset of age related macular degeneration. You should be especially diligent about taking steps to prevent macular degeneration if there is a history of age related macular degeneration in your family.
Since AMD only affects people over the age of 40, it is imperative that you start taking these preventive measures early on, to successfully prevent the onset of AMD. Some of the steps one should take to prevent the onset of age related macular degeneration are:
1)      Stop Smoking: This is the number one way to prevent AMD since it is estimated that smokers are up to 4 times more likely to develop AMD than non-smokers. This should be reason enough for most of us to stop smoking or risk going blind during our later years.

2)      Eat a Lot of Greens: Eating dark leafy vegetables regularly may help in preventing the onset of age related macular degeneration. A study published by the Massachusetts Eye and Ear infirmary reported that people who consumed the most vegetables rich in carotenoids had a 43 percent lower risk of age related macular degeneration than those who ate these foods the least. Preferable vegetables include dark leafy greens like raw spinach, kale and collard greens. A high intake of spinach and collard greens was associated with a substantially lower risk of AMD.

3)      Take Multivitamins/Multiminerals: Taking vitamins and minerals from a trusted source is a good idea for overall health including that of your eyes. Especially if it’s an older person, it becomes difficult to procure all the required nutrients from the diet alone. 

4)      AMD Dietary Supplements: There are a few AMD dietary supplements that prevent the onset of AMD, provided they are taken properly and regularly. Among the AMD dietary supplements, the AREDS1 is an antioxidant vitamin formula that really works well. The results of AREDS1 published in 2001 revealed patients at high risk of progressive AMD who took the dietary supplements has up to a 25 percent reduced risk of their macular degeneration advancing any further. However, the supplements didn’t show any improvement among patients who had either no age related macular degeneration or only early AMD.

All of the above mentioned methods are bona fide preventive measures for AMD especially the AMD dietary supplements. These supplements have shown clear signs of feasibility among patients suffering from a certain stage of AMD.